The DVD HORS PISTES, presents 3 films selected for the first HORS PISTES festival at the Pompidou Center in Paris and co-organised with the French short film agency (l'Agence du court métrage). HORS PISTES brings to light cinema from different horizons with their own fictional destinies and their own audacious and innovative styles. It's fiction bordering on documentary. HORS PISTES promotes new creative talent through medium length films, a format gaining an important place in film and art. runtime 145 minutes

Sprache: Französisch, Englisch
Untertitel: Französisch, Englisch

Genre/Thema: Art - Kunstfilm
Tonformat: Originalsprache
Untertitel: deutsch
Ländercode: 0
Bestellnummer: KNK-3760073440277-DVD
Laufzeit: ca. 145 Min.
Preis: 24.- EUR

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