

Starting his musical career early, first thing of note being with the band Roxy Music (we do carry the album For Your Pleasure, as well all of their records in St.Gallen in our shop), Eno has gone on to produce a number of highly eclectic and increasingly ambient electronic and acoustic albums, and also works frequently as producer for many popular artists.
He is widely cited as coining the term "ambient music", with his series of albums using the term recorded between 1978 and 1982.
He collaborated with David Byrne, formerly of Talking Heads, on this record in 1981 which was one of the first albums not in the rap or hip-hop genres to extensively feature sampling (we do carry it). Eno collaborated with David Bowie as a writer and musician on Bowie's influential "Berlin Trilogy" of albums, "Low" (1977), "Heroes" (1977), and "Lodger" (1979), on Bowie's later album, "1. Outside - The Nathan Adler Diaries: A Hyper Cycle" (1995), and on the track "I'm Afraid Of Americans" (1997). He has also collaborated with Robert Fripp of King Crimson, Robert Wyatt on his "Shleep" (1997) album, with Jon Hassell and with the German duo Cluster (we do carry two records). Or with John Cale from Velvet Underground (1990) on Wrong Way Up ( we do carry this record in this section).
Original 1981 German pressing!

Zustand des Tonträgers: Very Good + (VG+)
Zustand des Covers: Very Good + (VG+)

Titel: My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
Stil: Electro Wave Punk
Best-Nr.: SRK-6093
Typ: LP

Brian Eno, David Byrne  - My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts

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