

For nearly 20 years The Fallen Leaves have mined their influences and honed their punk pop song writing craft over four albums and countless live performances and radio sessions.
The Fallen Leaves don't do cover versions. However, they openly draw from the very best of music influences and literary geniuses, and wear them as proudly as their stage clothes. What other punk/mod/garage/beat group could pay homage to: The Who, The Ramones, The Velvet Underground, The Shadows Of Knight, Charles Bukowski and Gustave Flaubert, while sounding exactly like The Fallen Leaves.
The group were founded in Sheen in 2004 by best friends Rob Symmons, formerly guitarist of original UK punk band Subway Sect, and Rob Green (who appeared with a later version of Subway Sect) and they remain the core songwriting team and driving force behind The Fallen Leaves sound and vision, with Brett 'Buddy' Ascott (ex-The Chords) on drums, and Gas Evans on bass guitar. The Fallen Leaves operate within a strict set of self-imposed rules, including no jeans, no t-shirts, no cover versions - punk rock for gentlemen, The Fallen Leaves believe in the DIY punk ethos - song, sound and performance are all, simple songs for complex people, though they ask you to remember that simple and easy are not the same thing, The Fallen Leaves are a group, not a band and The Fallen Leaves play 'shows', never gigs! 'Against The Grain,' from the group's third album became a fixture on 6music and their sell out shows at legendary venues such as the 12 Bar, The Hope & Anchor and The 100 Club have helped sustain the group and their loyal fan base. The Fallen Leaves have been honoured to play with some of their '60s r'n'b heroes such as The Pretty Things and Downliners Sect and 'Rosalina' from their double A side single is an homage to that sound. Over on the flip side 'Stay' comes on like the Stones on sulphate, propelled by a classic Symmons riff, and thunderous bass and drums from former Chords drummer, Brett 'Buddy' Ascott and returning Leaf bassist, Gareth 'Mountbatten' Evans. The Fallen Leaves are thrilled that this killer double A single is being released by the mighty Spinout Nuggets, one of the finest independent labels in the UK. Stewart Lee in the Sunday Times succinctly described it as 'Pop Punk Perfection.' That's right, said The Fallen Leaves.
Limited to 500 copies.
Comes on black vinyl and plays on 45 rpm.

Titel: Rosalina
Stil: Knights of Fuzz
Best-Nr.: SN103
Typ: 7 inch (Single)


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