

In November 1966, five young men entered the Suramericana de Grabaciones Studios in Bogotà, Colombia. The name of their band was Los Young Beats and they were about to record their "Tiempos, ellos estan cambiando" (The Times They Were a-Changing) LP. "They wanted us to record the usual hits of the day," remembers Roberto Fiorilli, the group's drummer, "but we had our own ideas.
Our favourite bands were the Rolling Stones, the Animals, Them and the Small Faces, and we wanted to play THEIR songs." And so they did. Today this album is one of the rarest and most sought-after collectors' items from the South American sixties beat scene.
On this platter the band's recordings are available again, along with four bonus cuts by the Time Machine, another Colombian band Roberto played with.
Finally, nearly four decades later, the entire collector-world can enjoy the exciting 1966 sound of Los Young Beats.

Titel: The Exciting Sound Of Los Young Beats
Label: Break-A-Way
Stil: Transworld Beat Punk
Best-Nr.: BREAK-012
Typ: LP

YOUNG BEATS - The Exciting Sound Of Los Young Beats

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Side One:
Baby Please Don't Go
The Times They Are A-Changing
Hearts Of Stone
Hang On Sloopy
You Better Move On
Not Fade Away

Side Two:
You Really Got Me
As Tears Go By
For Your Love
Train Kept A Rollin'
Just Like A Woman
Your Love Is Driftin'

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