

Tom Waits: "And then there's this guy named Bob Log, you ever heard of him? He's this little kid - nobody ever knows how old he is - wears a motorcycle helmet and he has a microphone inside of it and he puts the glass over the front so you can't see his face, and plays slide guitar. It's just the loudest strangest stuff you've ever heard. You don't understand one word he's saying. I like people who glue macaroni on to a piece of cardboard and paint it gold. That's what I aspire to basically."

Bob Log III in his blue full-body Fonzie suit and a face-shield wired with a headset microphone is one of the best, fastest and strangest American Delta Blues Slide Guitar player of today.
Bob Log III was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona. Then Tucson AZ and now Melbourne Australia.

"You take a guitar, turn it up and have a good time" in the early 90s he formed together with Thermos Malling the incredible DOO RAG who's pioneered the whole Blues 'punk' or Even Tekkno Scene at this time, the Band split off and Bob Log continued alone a the One Man Band, touring all over the Globe North America, Europe, Japan and Australia, Mexico, and Iceland.
He acquired a kick-drum and a homemade foot cymbal which he custom-outfitted with a kick pedal of its own. These instruments, combined with his slide guitar work, distorted telephone microphone vocals, and Boom-Chik-a-Boom drum machine accompaniment, form the framework on which Bob Log constructs his songs. Log describes his on-stage setup in the song "One Man Band Boom," introducing himself to the audience as, "I'm Bob Log the third, one-man band, Tucson, Arizona. Heyeeeh! Lemme introduce the band to ya. On cymbals, left foot. Over here on the bass drum we got right foot. Shut up! This is my left hand that does all the slide work, right hand does the pickin'. My mouth hole does most o' the talkin'. And you're looking at my finger."

Titel: My Shit Is Perfect
Label: Voodoo Rhythm
Stil: Blues Punk
Best-Nr.: VR1254
Typ: LP

BOB LOG III - My Shit Is Perfect

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Goddamn Sounds Good
Mr. Sis Boom Bah
It's The Law
Bump Pow! Bump Bump Bump Pow!
Manipulate Your Figments
Bucktooth Potato

My Shit Is Perfect
You, Or You And You, And Me
Bumper Car
Bang Your Thing At The Ball
Shake A Little, Wiggle It, And Jiggle It Too
Shinkansen Teh!!
Goddam Sounds Good Pt.2

Voodoo Rhythm
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