

Chicken Bones hailed from a small town at the northern end of the Ruhr area roughly 30 km northeast of Dortmund. For many year their sole album ,,Hardrock In Concert' had been characterized as obscure but not so much essential. But over the years people found out, that Chicken Bones were a lot better than the reputation that preceded them and their album became quiet a sought after obscurity. Despite the title ,,Hardrock In Concert' Chicken Bones were not at all mundane hard rock but were highly creative and often moved very close to May Blitz, early Ufo or Wishbone Ash with lots of nice moves and flowery guitar work-outs (Freeman brothers in the ,,Crack Of The Cosmic Egg'). Chicken Bones sounds as a band in the tradition of the early 70s heavy progressive British rock scene. The album was recorded within a weekend in May 1976. The sound of the album is surprisingly excellent well balanced.

Klang und Kleid is the only source in Switzerland to purchase Long Hair and Garden of Delights Records (check out for more in our Kraut Beaters, Rock, Swiss Progressive and Progressive sections!)

Titel: Hardrock In Concert
Label: Long Hair
Stil: Kraut Beaters
Best-Nr.: LHC162
Typ: LP

CHICKEN BONES - Hardrock In Concert

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A1 Feeling 4:44
A2 I'm Falling 6:09
A3 Water 10:02
B1 Factory Girl 10:11
B2 Drive 4:23
B3 The Day Is Cold 4:52

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Records - LP - Kraut Beaters
Preis: 28 EUR
Records - LP - Rock
Preis: 28 EUR

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